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Carcare Melbourne - Checklist

Carcare is something that must be done frequently, yet it is something that is often overlooked. Carcare isn’t just about carwashing and detailing. To ensure your car lasts a long time and doesn’t break down, we’ve prepared a carcare checklist to help you.

Check the fluids:

Brake fluid

Clutch fluid (manual cars only)

Blinker fluid (just kidding)

Window wiper fluid

Radiator fluid

Other things to check to maintain the best carcare in Melbourne:

Engine oil

Transmission oil

Battery acid levels

Tyre pressure

Tyre tread depth

Brake pads & rotors.

Cracks in windows

Refresh Car Detailing can look after the paintwork with our wash & wax that cleans and protects your car. We can also look after your interior with premium carcare products that are water based and nourish your plastics, vinyl and leather.

Carcare Melbourne made easier thanks to a few tips above and your friends at Refresh who can keep it sparkling in between mechanical services!

Have you got our Refresh Car Detailing App? Search Refresh in the app store and book a Refresh today!

Pic: Carcare Melbourne - Audi Detailing

Carcare Melbourne - Audi Detailing


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