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Let's Answer Your Questions!

Schedule a time & date using the Refresh app, online or by calling us.

No more quote requests, our live system automatically syncs our teams availability in your area! You'll receive an online booking confirmation when booking online or you can see instant acceptance when booking in app.


~The Team at Refresh

"Can I schedule a Refresh at a later date?"

Yes you can! Our teams availability automatically syncs in your area and you'll get an instant confirmation in app, or an email when booking online.


"Has my  booking been successful?"

Click "Bookings" on the left hand tab of the app to check.

It will say "Track"

If it isn't in there, it hasn't been requested.

Check your email inbox for online bookings.


"What is the status of my Refresh?"

Click "Bookings" on the left hand tab.

Click "Track" and it will show you when your Refresher is en-route, arrived, refreshing and done.


"What happens if the app is giving me server or database error?"

Please delete the app completely & re-download it.


"How can I contact Refresh Support?"

SMS: +61 478 593 099

Call: 1300 593 098

Or click "Bookings" on the left hand tab then call/sms.


"Can I cancel my Booking?"

App Bookings:

Click "Bookings" on the left hand tab.

Click the blue i button.

Click "Cancel".

Online/Phone Bookings:

Reply to your booking email.


"What areas do you service for bookings?"

Click here to view our Service Area

You can still request detail outside of the service area however, we require 10+ vehicles and you will need to contact us in advance.


"How secure are my credit card details?"

Very. All your details are encrypted and secured. It's not easy to have apps in the app stores - we had to pass extensive security measures and have to uphold valid security certificates.


"When will I be billed?"

Only when the Refresh is complete.


"How long will it take to Refresh my car?"

It depends how many French Fries have been left between the seats.

We suggest you always allow 2h for Signature & 1h for Refresh X / io.


"Do you accept cash?"

YES! Please book online here.
Our app only accepts card - t
his is how are are able to offer this service for such a competitive price, as this part of it is all streamlined.


"Do you accept Paypal?"

YES! Please purchase a gift voucher here, then redeem it when booking online here.


"What type of cards do you accept?"

Debit or Credit Cards

Visa, Mastercard & American Express

In-app Payment is card-less in app once your Refresh is complete.

Cash is accepted when booking over the phone or online.


"I've shared my promo code and have credit, how do I redeem it?"

You'll receive an email every time credit has been applied to your account.

Open your Refresh app.

Start booking a Refresh as per normal.

In the confirmation window next to the price click "Redeem".

Click the box next to the name of the person you earned credit from.

Click Redeem & the credit will be applied.


"I' have lots of credit, can I convert it into a gift card?"

You sure can! Please call 1300 593 098

This is common at cafe's, businesses and for people who share their code often.


Quick...Book my car in!

Ph: 1300 593 098

8am - 6pm WST

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